The Nairobi National Park in Kenya just south of Nairobi was established in 1946, the first national park in Kenya. The park is enclosed on three sides with an open southern boundary to allow for migration of the wildlife. Even though the park borders on the city and is relatively
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Throwing shade on the Earth! This is a collection of my photos from Monday’s Total Solar Eclipse in Morrisburg (April 8th, 2024). A spectacular moment I won’t forget. I decided on Sunday that I’d take the day off Monday, and drive down to Morrisburg to be in the path of
Read more →The Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum and Memorial Park in Accra, Ghana is dedicated to the prominent Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah.
Read more →Black Star Gate in Accra, Ghana was built to celebrate Ghana’s Independence from Britain.
Read more →The Red Arrows flying their Hawk T1 jets were at AERO Gatineau-Ottawa air show along with Spitfires and other fighter aircraft and trainers from Vintage Wings of Canada and Collings Foundation and some solo aerobatics by Rick Volker in his Sukhoi 26. Enjoy this selection of photos from the show.
Read more →July 20th and a beautiful sunny but hot day at Britannia Park which is full of British Cars for All British Car Day in Ottawa. This year they were featuring the Mini… and they were lined up for all to see along with many other venerable British cars! Enjoy this
Read more →It’s hard to believe I’ve been shooting concerts for 40 years now, and it’s probably my favourite thing to shoot! The photos above are just some of my favourites from over the past 40 years… Canadian band The Cooper Brothers, on the left, was the second concert I ever shot, October 25th, 1978
Read more →August 31st marks the Anniversary of the death of Diana Princess of Wales.
Read more →“the dependence of human beings upon one another, the response of human sympathy to human needs”
Read more →Caitlin and I were very proud to be asked to be the Official Photographers for OCTC’s 20th Annual “For the Kids” Charitable Auction at Shaw Centre
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