Words on a Wing


What are friends for? They’ll stand behind you Whatever you do, And cheer you on When the race is on! What are friends for? They’ll take you out, And listen to you pout So as to ease the pain When she leaves you again! What are friends for? To pour

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All is Well

Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped away into the next room, I am I, and you are you, Whatever we were to each other, that we are still, Call me by my old familiar name, Speak to me in the same easy way which you always did,

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It’s not about where you are, but who you are with! I, but for you, would find a spot such as this divine. For me, this scene save you, could never really be mine. Oh, when you were here, and on this stage stood near. True, a scene thus played

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edge of heaven

a feeling of hope… Watch me now as I take flight I’ll fly so high that I just might Touch the edge of heaven If I had hands instead of wings You and I would do so many things We would dance We would sing We would make love and

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Time Warp

Time Warp Ensign Ro Laren nervously adjusted her collar, should this SS agent spot the communicator embedded in her Iron Cross, he would surely take her into custody, and then… her head suddenly filled with the horrible tortures the Cardassians had subjected her father to back on Bajor, when she

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Magic Markers

While updating a profile on another site I saw a “Random Question” that I found amusing. I wrote out a series of answers that wouldn’t post (due to the answer having a limit of 150 words), so, here’s my unedited answer! I should mention, for those that don’t know, I

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