LuckhamCreativeHello, I’m Julian Luckham of Luckham Creative, a designer, photographer, photo illusionist and writer, with a passion for creativity, based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I hold fast to my love of all things creative, be it graphic design, web design, music, photography or writing, I’ve even dabbled in filmmaking. With a strong drive to do work that makes a difference, I am proud to work with small businesses serving their communities; artists, musicians, writers and photographers that bring joy to all who love their work; and local and international non-profit organizations that are helping improve people’s lives. I’m one of those rare creatives that also embraces the technical side of my craft, staying on top of the latest trends in communication, remaining curious about the future of the internet, and learning new ways to integrate creativity and enrich the customer experience. I also enjoy collaborating and helping others move a project forward, from teaching computer graphics and design, as I’ve done for over 30 years, to sharing my creative ideas and technical knowledge working in a team environment. And if you’re looking for someone who can “work” in multiple languages, well, after moving from Vancouver to Ottawa I had to get comfortable working in both English and French, which I did, and even though I only “speak” one language, over the past 17 years, I’ve become comfortable working in multiple languages, a unilingual multilinguist if you will! I’ve successfully completed jobs in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Bulgarian, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Tamil, Thai, Marathi, Afrikaans, Sesotho and Zulu… you do what you have to, and as long as the person supplying copy can proofread, well… languages that are “Greek to me” are never a problem!

Julian has designed a multitude of publications, collateral and online products for WIEGO… his attention to detail, responsiveness and extensive knowledge of photography and printing have been essential to producing high impact publications… often in multiple languages and at times working with key stakeholders who are based in other countries.

Demetria Tsoutouras, Communications Manager, WIEGO.

DesignI bring over 40 years of creativity and technical expertise together to provide a personalized design service to clients locally and around the world. My career began out of the desire to publish a local entertainment magazine in Vancouver in 1985, this evolved into Dedicated Desktop, and, after I moved to Ottawa in 1992, became Dedicated Desktop Creative Services. In 2006, after deciding to concentrate solely on creative design and photography, and really push the personal touch I offer, I changed my company name to Luckham Creative. Designing logos and wordmarks along with any print collateral and/or clean web sites with easy navigation, and shooting what I like to call creative photography, is what I’m all about… in a word – creativity –and you’ll see samples of my creativity throughout this site.

PhotographyPhotography has always been a big part of my life ever since my Mum gave me her Six-20 ‘Brownie’ C box camera when I was a kid. These days I’m shooting digital and going beyond the camera with Adobe Photoshop, a program I’ve been using since 1990, and you’ll see a lot of my creative photography here, whether shooting photographs for a specific job, an assignment shooting a day in the life of Waste Pickers in India, shooting Concerts, Photo Excursions or just walking in the park (sometimes with zombies – ?? – just type ‘zombies’ in the search box at the top of this page). I’ve been told my love for photography and my subject matter shows through in my work, but you be the judge. You’ll also see some of my photo illusions, creative photo manipulations where my photography, creativity and image editing skills come together to create something – entirely different. I use the term photo illusionism to indicate that what I create, though based in the world of photography, is not always real. I’ve published a few photo books as well, which you can read about below.

WritingI love words, and often string a few together to add some insight to my photography, my illusions, my books or my day to day life. Words on a wing is my space to write, a place I call a lost and found for people on the edge of the night, words that mean more than you might think. Here you’ll find more photographs, and words, be it poetry or works of fact or fiction inspired by them, and by the journey of a creative… on the edge of the night. Some of my writing has even crossed in to filmmaking, but that’s another story.

BooksI published my first book, ‘trompe-l’œil – deceive the eye’, a small collection of creative photo manipulations in 2012 and the reaction, though small, was very positive so I decided to do another based on a 52 Week Photo Illusionism Project I wanted to do, What if Weekends’, which did much better and resulted in an exhibit of my photos from the book and garnered attention from local TV – CTV’s Regional Contact. The book I’m most proud of though is Father Daughter Perspective, that I published in 2015 with my daughter Caitlin, and for that very reason has done quite well. Here’s an interview we did for AMI-tv in 2016 – AMI This Week. You’ll find these and more books, as they come to fruition, here.

So, enough about me, off you go… check out the rest of the site and then give Luckham Creative a call or send me an email and see how my passion for creativity can help you! For more information on what I do read “What does Luckham Creative do?”.


behind the curtains

Luckham Creative

Tel: +1 613 223-4620 or
Skype: julianluckham


I have worked with Julian, and Luckham Creative, for many years now. He has done a wide variety of graphic design, web development and design, and layout for our organization. He has also done some training with our partners and taken some gorgeous photos that we continue to use. We greatly appreciated his commitment to delivering high quality work. I highly recommend Julian for creative graphic design delivered on time and in budget!

Rhonda Douglas,
Global Projects Director, WIEGO
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the Vesica Piscis
