‘Father Daughter Perspective’ is finally available. This book might be my third, but this one is so very important to me because it’s my first one with my beautiful and talented daughter Caitlin. This book is not just a book of photography, it’s a book of how a father and daughter see the world around them… our different perspectives as a father and a daughter, an able bodied person and a disabled person. We want to share the special bond we have, and… inspire… make ordinary things special, and take special… to a whole new level!
I hope you will support Caitlin and I by buying a copy of our little book full of a lot of love and over 150 photos. Click here to read more about ‘Father Daughter Perspective’ and some Limited Edition Diptychs (2 photos on one print) you can purchase. You can purchase and preview the book below.
My second book ‘what if weekends: the book’ was launched at the ‘What if Weekends: exhibit and book launch’ back in October 2014 with an exhibit of a collection of my Illusions and other more conventional photography. At the exhibit I did an interview with Joel Haslam from the CTV news show Regional Contact which aired January 17th, 2015. Here’s a bit more about the book, and more about the exhibit, you can preview and purchase the book below.
A preview and purchase link to my first book, ‘trompe-l’œil – deceive the eye’ a small collection of creative photo manipulations, can also be found below.
I have a number of other ideas for photography books floating around in my head, getting them out can prove challenging with a busy workload, but I’ve succeeded in getting three published so far! My next book, tentatively called ‘Oh England, My Lionheart’ I hope to get started … sooner rather than later?
Preview and Purchase via Blurb
If you live in Ottawa and are interested in purchasing any of my books, drop me an email first as I may have some on hand which will save you a bit on the shipping.
‘Father Daughter Perspective’ 7 x 7 in, 70 pages Hard Cover: 10 page preview
‘what if weekends: the book’ 10 x 8 in, 46 pages Hard Cover: 10 page preview
‘trompe-l’œil – deceive the eye’ 10 x 8 in, 20 pages Hard Cover: 6 page preview
Luckham Creative
Mailing address:
425 – 1568 Merivale Road,
Ottawa, ON K2G 5Y7
Tel: +1 613 223-4620 or
Skype: julianluckham
Email: info@luckham.ca
Available now