Occasionally, I do infomercials, short little promos for clients, colleagues or myself and I’m often asked to do them for others, followed with the question “How do you come up with all those ideas?”. Even when I create my photo illusions, people inevitably ask “where does all that come from, where do you get those ideas?”. Well… I’m a creative, it’s what I do!
Whether I’m developing an idea for a company’s identity, a cover for a book or a crazy surreal scene for a photograph of something that doesn’t exist, and in some cases never could exist, it all begins with an idea. Sadly, I don’t have a stack of ideas sitting on a shelf that I can pull down whenever someone needs one, a lot of my ideas tend to come out of nowhere, but more often than not, someone plants a seed from which an idea develops. “Great oaks from little acorns grow”.
Sometimes when a client comes to me with a job they start by saying “I have no idea what I want!”… they do, they just don’t know it yet! I’m pretty good at pulling ideas out of people’s heads, and it won’t hurt a bit… promise! I like this method of developing something for a client over disappearing in to my office and coming out with a great idea that the client feels no connection to. By involving my clients in the ideas process, we come up with something that is just as much their idea as mine, as they planted the seed. And in some cases, well… yeah, the client was right – they have no idea! That’s when I have to really dig for a seed of an idea, and yes, it just might hurt, but only a bit!
I did a promotional spot for a local Film Festival I sponsored a while ago, in which I wanted to get across this idea of developing ideas with clients… take a look, it’s good for a laugh: SPARTA DCCXX Promo.
If you saw my ‘What if Weekends: the exhibit and book launch‘ back in 2014 you have, as I told many people that attended, been inside my head… if you liked what you saw, and would like a photo illusion of your own I do commissioned work, so get in touch and let’s make your illusion a reality.
Now give me a call, or send me an email and let’s develop an idea and put it into action.
“Do it, do it, DO IT!” ~ James T. Kirk, Star Trek XI
No, really… call… 613-223-4620 or email!
Luckham Creative
Tel: +1 613 223-4620 or
Skype: julianluckham
Email: info@luckham.ca
We asked Luckham Creative to design a display box for our product, Julian was very open to hearing our ideas and trying to incorporate them into the final design. When he first arrived with the mockup of our box I was disappointed that the overall colour was blue and not green as we had originally thought. Once I looked at Julian’s design, however, the colours he used were obviously the natural choice. On approval of his design, Julian worked closely with the printer to assure that the printed piece was exactly as intended.
Wayne Spalding, Honeybar Products International, Inc.
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the Vesica Piscis