A lot of individuals or companies, small and large, choose to go on-line with very little thought given to the impression their on-line presence has, kind of like throwing those old sneakers up on the power lines… “what’s that about?” Having a web site is like having a virtual salesperson
Read more →Words on a Wing
My first photography book “Trompe-l’œil – deceive the eye”, a small collection of some of the photo illusions I love to create. This is a 20 page book I designed, doing the layout in Adobe InDesign and publishing through Blurb. I researched a number of the self-publishing companies around and
Read more →Doing design work ‘on spec’, as a proposal, or as part of a contest, is asking a great deal of a business that survives on doing design work!
Read more →This is something I wrote specifically for Hallowe’en some time ago, but I think it was really something else trying to get out… do you ever put on a mask when things are not going well, pretend that they are so it’s a bit easier to get through the day and,
Read more →The Vesica Piscis is an element in Sacred Geometry, and is considered the original symbol of creativity
Read more →went to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel last night, it’s a beautiful film if you haven’t seen it. As I commented over on Facebook after I saw it, “It’s a beautiful film whether you’ve been to India or not. But if you have been to India and you loved
Read more →’d like to share a story with you, the story behind this picture of a little boy who lives in a small village in India. I just came across it earlier today while looking for another photo I needed for a job that I was working on. I forgot about
Read more →What a wonderful day… this year I spent Valentine’s Day in an all day meeting at the Arc Hotel with 10 women that I have the privilege of working with, and yes I was the only guy! It was an annual meeting of the “communications team” on a project I’ve
Read more →Checking the Form (a screenplay?) The scene opens looking into a construction site, a building is going up. Lots of concrete, girders, re-bar, etc. The camera is POV of someone walking through the site towards two workers talking in the distance with raised voices. Along the way we see other
Read more →you turned on the light and ignited the flame and I saw colour in a black and white world the glint of a diamond on a glass horizon then darkness fell… and two ships passed. ©2006 Julian Photo: hidden in the windmills of my mind A photo taken a year
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