Luckham Creative loves doing work for the film industry, from Title Design, the creation of a film’s title, company name and/or logo, credits and any other required typography, to Film Posters, to any kind of props that might be required during filming. We can also create web sites for film companies and/or film specific sites. This article, making films, will give you an idea of the kind of work we’ve done for both Film and TV over the past 23 years.
Julian Luckham, of Luckham Creative, first got involved in the film industry in Vancouver during it’s heydays of the late ’80s and early ’90s, working mostly on TV pilots and made for television films. Some of the pilots were picked up by networks, thus bringing in additional work. Feature films were more rare, as the studios often had their own art department, but after getting to know a few art directors in Vancouver the occasional feature film would come our way. The work was mostly creating props, mock newspapers that required a specific article to appear on the front page involved creating a fictitious masthead and a believable page, a corporate logo and all that would be needed for a fictitious company, even a sign for the front of the building, and a lot of small detail items to help the television show or film look as real as possible, remember this was before the days of product placement, so the brand of smokes the character had to have couldn’t be real.
Here’s some of the shows, directors, producers, and film companies I’ve had the opportunity of working with over the years… yeah, I’m name dropping!
Moving to Ottawa, though good for Luckham Creative, didn’t bode well for continuing to do film work. Other than the occasional “mock film poster” (see the slide show below) and doing the web site for the Ottawa Film Society every year, it wasn’t until 2011 that we started doing film related work again. Working with two friends, Julian was not only doing all of the graphics for Check it Out Films, he co-wrote, co-directed and acted in Who’s in the Cage Now and he wrote, directed, produced and acted in Excrucior, a short film that’s part of a bigger project he’s been working on for over six years, and hopes will one day see the light of day… or the dark of night! Occasionally someone else in the local film community would ask for help with a poster or some image editing and there were the odd acting roles in other films he took on. In 2012 Luckham Creative began working with 72 Hour Films to develop a logo and web site in addition to all their advertising for their SPARTA Film competitions. In 2013 Luckham Creative became a Sponsor of SPARTA, the 72 Hour Film Challenge that was held in January. Six months later SPARTA DCCXX, a 30 day Film Challenge, began and Luckham Creative was once again pleased to be working with 72 Hour Films and Sponsoring the event. This year Luckham Creative became a Presenter of SPARTA LXXII, a 72 Hour Film Challenge that had filmmakers shooting their short films over the February long weekend. The screening is coming up on March 9th at the Mayfair Theatre from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. If you like short films, you should go there will be 16 short films that will be a lot of fun to watch, and not only will the filmmakers win prizes but so will the audience.
So, if you have a film project, be it a short film, feature film or web series, we’d love to work with you. Be sure to check out the samples on this page and the film posters, both real and “not so real”, in the slide show below. As you can see, films and working with filmmakers is yet another of Julian’s creative passions. So give Luckham Creative a call and let us help you with all your graphic needs, from props to Film titles to Posters and Web sites.
Contact us today.
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