Ode to my Window Cleaner

Hey!! Mr. Window Cleaner… Thank you… for dropping in… I uh, well… I wasn’t expecting you… to be hanging there… outside my window… so early… Let me… uhhh, Let me go… put on some clothes…. I can see clearly now, the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in

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Where do you want to be?

I had an after thought about this piece, a clarification if you will… Sometimes a place is physical, and sometimes metaphysical! Just sayin’. Sometimes there are places you want to go, and places that you want to be… Maybe you’ve been there before, and maybe it didn’t work out…. Or

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A one way door

There’s a park across the street from me called Judge Park, I sometimes pass through when going for a walk. One day just after the Victoria Day weekend, while trying to clear my head of too too many negative thoughts, I grabbed my camera and went for a walk, this

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The books are on the shelf, endless Chapters… of confusion. And pages…  pages of words… Broken promises, Shattered… cast aside. The writing, is on the floor, a happy ending, torn from a book. Too many photographs, and all I can see is the imperfection, in their perfection. I can no longer

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Hangin’ (a distraction)

the Universe plays an infinite loop of thoughts, memories, flashbacks, dejavu, and double whammies… the track marks on my arm are in my head, an infliction of my own addiction, freedom in chains, and the number is 7! If only this addiction came with a high we could fly away….

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freedom in chains

freedom in chains I’ve been doing a lot of thinking of late about freedom, and coincidentally this image passed in front of my lens while shooting something else…. What is freedom and who decides? If we are physically chained and repressed, then it is the repressor who decides. But if

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freedom, released

what’s worse than losing your mind, is finding it again… in a future that is your past! a simple turn of the key, gave me permission to allow myself to be free a much needed transition! © 2011 Julian words and inspiration… thanks to Mike and Ryan… Tania… Freya… Kate…

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broken, yes. yes, it’s broken. (Yes) see the pieces, and how they fit together? but can it ever… be the same again? (No) do you want it… to be the same again? (No) it’s only broken glass… from the darkened window, that kept me from seeing you, and you, from

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Dream of a Child

It’s Special Education Week and this post is in honour of all children who just need a little extra help… attention and acceptance! The dream of a child is the dream that two ordinary people had about the child that was about to be born. The nine months of waiting

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