India 2009 – A day in the life of the Waste Pickers of Pune.
Read more →NalSarovar Bird Sanctuary is just outside of Ahmedabad in India. These photos were taken while on a photo assignment in India in 2009.
Read more →Time Warp Ensign Ro Laren nervously adjusted her collar, should this SS agent spot the communicator embedded in her Iron Cross, he would surely take her into custody, and then… her head suddenly filled with the horrible tortures the Cardassians had subjected her father to back on Bajor, when she
Read more →A short story written for ‘The Storytellers’ a photo/storytelling group on Flickr.
Read more →While updating a profile on another site I saw a “Random Question” that I found amusing. I wrote out a series of answers that wouldn’t post (due to the answer having a limit of 150 words), so, here’s my unedited answer! I should mention, for those that don’t know, I
Read more →by Emily Perl Kingsley Some time ago, a therapist we were working with passed this story on to us, we’d like to share it with you here. Emily Perl Kingsley is an American writer who joined the Sesame Street team in 1970 and has been writing for the show ever since.
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