The Nairobi National Park in Kenya just south of Nairobi was established in 1946, the first national park in Kenya. The park is enclosed on three sides with an open southern boundary to allow for migration of the wildlife. Even though the park borders on the city and is relatively small, it has a large and varied population of animals, including one of Kenya’s most successful rhinoceros sanctuaries.
From Wikipedia: [Nairobi National Park] has a large and diverse wildlife population. Species found in the park include lion, leopard, African buffalo, black rhinoceros, giraffe, hippopotamus, spotted hyena, blue wildebeest, plains zebra, cheetah, Thomson’s gazelle, Grant’s gazelle, common eland, impala, hartebeest, waterbuck, common warthog, olive baboon, black-backed jackal, common ostrich, and Nile crocodile.
Enjoy this slideshow of photos from Nairobi National Park, and check the other sets I’ll be posting, as time permits, from my trip to Kenya.
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