Throwing shade on the Earth!
This is a collection of my photos from Monday’s Total Solar Eclipse in Morrisburg (April 8th, 2024). A spectacular moment I won’t forget. I decided on Sunday that I’d take the day off Monday, and drive down to Morrisburg to be in the path of totality, Ottawa is just outside of the path, so for Ottawa it was a 98.87% eclipse, which actually makes a significant difference. And let me tell you, it’s pretty wild having the moon’s shadow hover right over top of you, it got really dark, triggering street lights on, and even though you were in the dark, if you looked into the distance in any direction you saw sunlight, almost like a 360° sunrise. And then the eclipse itself, in a dark night sky above you!! This was my third eclipse, my last one, in the U.K. was only 90%, so this was my first total eclipse, and it was more than I expected, and from what I’ve seen from Niagara Falls (the reported “place to be”) and Ottawa, and pretty much anywhere else I think, I totally lucked out! Seeing the moment of total eclipse, with the beads of light created by the craters on the moon, and then the sunlight bursting out creating the diamond ring effect brought the crowds in Morrisburg to cheers! It was quite the experience! It’s a moving experience, it did, after all move the Moon in front of the Sun and throw shade on the Earth!
Enjoy this slideshow of photos from the event, including some photos in Morrisburg, Ontario. And why not add a soundtrack: Cat Stevens Moon Shadow
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